Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Seeing results=motivation, motivation!

It has been nine days since I started Piyo and 11 on Shakeology. When doing workouts this week I am already stronger and noticing my clothes are getting bigger. It is pretty exciting to see such a change so quickly. I'm finding with the diet that I am doing well on not wanting bad food. I am really impressed so far with the ease of everything in this system. I'm super excited to see where I am at the halfway point of the first 30 days. This is great motivation to push toward my final goal.

I also discovered a pretty good version of the Vanilla Shakeology. It is a Creamsicle  recipe.

  1. 1 serving vanilla shakeology
  2. 1 cup water
  3. 1/2 cup orange juice
  4. 8-10 ice cubes
  1. Put all ingredients in a blender.
  2. Blend to consistency you prefer, add more ice if needed.
I used Almond milk instead of water and it was really tasty and the bitterness was gone.

Weight: 232
1st goal: 190

In other news our son's daycare teacher worried me a little bit this morning. She said he should be standing better supported than he is at this time. She said with his age (she thought he was 6-7 months) that we needed to ask our pediatrician about his development and that some 2-3 month babies in his class are better at it than him. Inside I thought I was doing something wrong and that we were behind on helping him with this. I told her that I have started working more in seeing if he will stand straight and doing this 4-5 times a day or more. I also let her know that he is stronger every week and we were looking into purchasing an exersaucer. She said that was all good but that I needed to make sure that the pediatrician noticed how behind he was on this and to get another opinion. Of course as I drove to work I tried not to panic and remain calm until I research a little on this particular milestone for babies. Our son is 5 months and 1 week so I thought I needed to make sure before I went into full worry mom mode. I am learning quickly why my mother acted the way she did with us and I relate a little more now. I of course googled this milestone (of course google is not replacement for a doctor but its easier than calling the pediatrician since he has an appt in a few weeks). After reading certain reliable sources I am ok with waiting until our next appointment and just working with him even more. I appreciate his teachers concern but its hard being sort of clueless as a new parent and worrying you aren't doing the right things. We will know so much more in the future for the next baby.


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